Protecting the Environment and Enriching Human Life through Agency 

Like many other countries, Zambia has not been spared of environmental degradation and the effects of the climate crisis. Zambian communities face a number of environmental problems and with an ever-increasing population, these challenges are also increasing. Mizu Eco-Care seeks to be a leading platform for mindset change and a paradigm shift towards environmental sustainability.  

At the beginning of June, our team paid a courtesy call on Chief Mnkhanya to get his blessings before commencing Agroecology Training in 10 Village Action Groups in his Chiefdom and Mnkhanya Community Resource Board (CRB), located in the South Luangwa National Park's Game Management Area. We were introduced to him by the Community Resource Board Chairperson and Executive Officer Mr  Ngoma and Mr Banda respectively.

We appreciate the support of the Rotary Club Canterbury Sunrise, High Five Club and Community Resource Board for Mnkhanya Chiefdom. With the current adverse impacts, our aim is to empower the local farmers with the  knowledge and skills to counter the impact of the drought and Climate Change.

We are determined to push for a transition from conventional farming practices to  sustainable conservation practices.

Three members of Team Mizu are training in Agroecology at Kasisi Agricultural Training College sponsored by Born Free Foundation with this specific purpose in mind!

*Creation of Bokashi Fermented Manure and Tea Liquid Manure*

On day 10, we conducted training for the Chitempha Village Action Group (VAG) in the Mfuwe, Mnkhanya Chiefdom.

We are grateful for the support from the Rotary Club Canterbury Sunrise, High Five Club, and the Community Resource Board for Mnkhanya Chiefdom. In light of the current adverse effects, we are committed to empowering local farmers with the necessary knowledge and skills to mitigate the impacts of drought and climate change.

Our goal is to advocate for a shift from traditional farming methods to sustainable conservation agricultural practices.





Here are some of the top environmental stories we have been closely monitoring here in Zambia:


In our coverage of a number of wildlife stories over the years we have sadly noticed a trend by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife and Ministry of Tourism as a whole to not fully engage the public about a crisis situation until they are left with absolutely no choice because information has leaked into the public domain (we can point the cases of lions escaping from Munda Wanga, elephants being shot down in Livingstone due human-animal conflict and now the case of the Rhino called Fwanya). In the case of Fwanya the bull Rhino, it had to take the engagement of the Livingstone Mayor by Livingstone Tour Operators for a response to be triggered from the Minister and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism. Even after these official responses it is still not clear to this day where exactly Fwanya is (nor where the horn removed from him is). DNPW must view public engagement  and transparency as a strength and not a weakness, it is not every wildlife situation that requires the red tape and secrecy of an intelligence agency. The protection of wildlife is a mandate the DNPW carries out on behalf of the people of Zambia, therefore transparency in terms of constant briefs and updates to the public on key wildlife matters should be taken as standard procedure and practice. Secrecy and cover-ups only propel rumours and speculation which help no one in the long run. 


The current drought has also triggered a critical shortage of water supply in our water reserves for hydroelectric power supply. The present climate crisis has placed a burden on our hydroelectric power sources that can only be eased with green energy alternatives- solar energy, biofuels and wind energy as well. Building more hydroelectric power dams will not be the best response to the climate crisis with the high deforestation rate we currently face-a multifaceted approach is better than sole dependency on hydroelectric power.


Forest Reserve Number 27 was de-gazetted on three occasions in 2017, 2018 and 2019 as per statutory instruments No. 62, 59 and 13 respectively. After the last degazetting in 2019 officially 716 hectares were said to be the full extent of the remaining forest. However, on these occasions the Honourable Minister of Lands and Natural Reserves Hon. Elijah Muchima has referred to the remaining extent, he has mentioned only '267 hectares' as the remaining extent of Forest Reserve No. 27. We seek clarity from the Minister as to which figure officially represents the remaining extent of Forest 27. This is particularly vital because developmental activities in the degazetted portions continue unabated even after a ministerial directive for such activities to cease. As of our last visit to Forest 27 in March 2024, some portions of the remaining Forest had private property signs, so clarity on the forest's full extent will help all stakeholders know what exactly the current position and situation is.  


Zambia, just like a number of countries in Southern Africa, has been hit by a drought, and this has led to Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe declaring National Disasters and issuing calls for help from the global community. Zambian president His Excellency Hakainde Hichilema  requested assistance from a Norwegian visiting team with assessing the undergrounding water reserves we have with the hope of harvesting the water to aid with irrigation in the agriculture sector. We are of the opinion that the majority of our effort and finance should be focused on developing our capacity as a country to harvest rainfall water instead. We lose millions of litres of runoff water each year during the rainy season, this water could be harvested and stored for later use in water reservoirs. Our underground water resources are delicate and take many years to refill. It is therefore better to seek other more viable options for water harvesting and storage. 

With regards to the need for water supply for irrigation in the agricultural sector, it is vital for us as a country to see how best we help our farmers transition to agricultural practices that help maximise the water for their rain fed crops- conventional farming practices are clearly only exacerbating the effects of the drought. Our farmers must be empowered with skills that help them retain more moisture in our soils, skills such as the use of green manure, cover-crops, mulching, zero tillage, ripping and the use of conservation basins to mention a few. The transition to Agroecology should be a priority agenda item for Zambia and Africa as a whole.

𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆 2024 

Ngwerere Stream Cleanup: 𝗔 S𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗻𝗲𝘄𝘀: We conducted a cleanup along the Ngwerere stream at the Kalimba farm bridge site - drainage ditches were cleared of debris to ease the flow of water.

Many thanks to Global March for Elephants and Rhinos (GMFER), Eco-Rising, all the team members on the ground, especially those from Kalimba and Galunia Farms who worked so hard. Great work!

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗱 𝗻𝗲𝘄𝘀: Water Analysis of the Ngwerere stream in Zambia shows serious bio toxins above acceptable thresholds. GMFER and Mizu Eco-care commissioned a scientific water analysis of the Ngwerere stream, conducted by the Zambian National Institute for Scientific and

Industrial Research.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀: 𝟭) 𝗙𝗲𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺 𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗲𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱, concentration levels were very bad, too numerous to count. A positive coliform test means contamination and a risk of waterborne disease — of serious concern for communities and animal life who depend on the Ngwerere for drinking water.

𝟮) 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗮 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱: likely from fertilizer or human waste. Excess Ammonia is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. Human beings and higher animals with long-term ingestion of water containing ammonia may experience damage to internal organ systems.

The results of this test and future tests will be used to establish a plan of action to reverse the build up of toxins in the Ngwerere stream.

World Forest Day March 21st, 2024

Today we celebrate International Day of Forests by spending time in Lusaka’s very own Forest Reserve 27!

Located at the center of  one of the most highly developed areas in Lusaka,   Forest 27 is under an enormous amount of pressure - only 716 hectares remain of the original 1800.  As the source of the Chalimbana River, a tributary of the Chongwe River, its unique ecological role cannot be underestimated and must be conserved. Forest 27 has so much to offer in terms of low- impact educational and recreational tours. 

Along with the Forest Guards, we visited a special hill located in the Reserve called the Mountain of God, a serene place where people often come for prayers and meditation, or just to enjoy the benefits of being outdoors.  

We salute all efforts from the Forest Guards and the Chilimbana River Headwaters Trust who protect it.

What are your plans to celebrate World Forest Day?

 Need some ideas? Get in touch with us!

Check out some of the photos taken from our Ngwerere River Cleanup!


These concerns were raised by Timothy Kamuzu Phiri, Executive Director of Mizu Eco-Care in Zambia, at the Born Free Foundation’s Beyond Trophy Hunting talk in December 2022. During the talk, he explained why the quality of carbon credits is instrumental not only to the systems’ success in achieving climate goals but also in achieving transparency about who benefits from carbon credits and whether that financial reward is relative to their contribution.

“Are all carbon credits equal? The answer is no, and I’ll give an example of that,” he said. “If you look at carbon credit mechanisms like the [Northern Rangelands Trust] that’s taking place in Kenya, you will notice that the land on which this project is taking place is actually owned by local communities. That’s a good carbon credit mechanism.”

“Then you have carbon credit mechanisms that take place on private land, which means you have to drive out communities from that land. […] That’s not a good mechanism. Then you have management teams that run that particular project not being transparent with the funds being raised, they’ll tell you $5 million was given to the community from this mechanism, but you do not have any idea what the total amount generated was.”

“If the total amount generated was $50 million then $5 million doesn’t look like a lot of money. The local communities will be poor so when they see the 5 million, they will be celebrating, but the mechanism is unjust.”

Many thanks to the Born Free Foundation and its President and co-founder Will Travers OBE for the opportunity and platform to share these ethical conservation tools. It was a pleasure to speak alongside these renowned panellists: Dr. Ralph Chami Assistant Director of International Monetary Fund, Praveen Moman Founder of Volcanoes Safaris in Uganda and Rwanda, @Tom Lalampaa Chief Executive Officer of Northern Rangeland Trust in Kenya. 

Timothy Kamuzu Phiri with fellow panellist Dr Ralph Chami, Assistant Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at the Born Free Foundation organised event in London. The discussion focused on the viability of Alternative Conservation Tools, their financing and implementation models.

The Radisson Blu Resort in the Elephant Corridor

The Radisson Blu Mosi -oa-Tunya Resort in Livingstone is almost complete and will be opening soon. However, this resort sits in the elephant corridor and has not adhered to two key recommendations of the Decision Letter dated 17th December 2019 issued by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency. Learn more about these issues in the video below.

De-snaring of a young Zebra in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Livingstone, Zambia

Why people cut down trees?

A Biosphere Reserve & Copper mine in Lower Zambezi 

The Agro ecology, Social Accountability and Climate Change Media Awards 2022

Attending ActionAid Zambia  workshop on ClimateJustice for women  in Lusaka 2021

Documenting Organic and Conservation  Farming in  Kafue 2020

Collaborating with other Environmental Educators at Mulungushi International Conference Centre 2020 

You Are Either Part of The Solution or Part of the Problem


Let us try to be part of the solution in the year 2024